Thursday, August 5, 2010

A new beginning.

It has been a couple of weeks since I had the very great honour of becoming "International Leather boy 2010".  The contest took place in San Francisco.  Special thanks to everyone that made the experience so amazing.  The producers, staff, and volunteers did a great job of making sure the whole program ran like clockwork.  I also want to thank so many others who helped me in my journey so far.  (This is gonna sound like one of those run-on Academy Award speeches... I hope I get to finish before they start the music and drag my sobbing, grateful ass off stage...)  Thanks to my Eastern Canada Title SIR, Sir Marc.  You are an amazing man and a great friend.  We still have much to accomplish together.  To his partner, Master Noel for your support as well.  Thank you to the producers of the Eastern Canada Leather SIR/ Leather boy competition, Daddy Brandon, Dan, and Matt, and all the leather community it Toronto.  (Please forgive me for not mentioning all the names, because I know I'd end up forgetting one or two.  And this Oscar speech is going to be a bit long-winded any way...)  Know that I love you all, and appreciate all you've done for me.  I can't express my gratitude in anyway that would demonstrate how proud I am of all the SIRS, Bootblacks, and boys I had the honour to share the stage.  You are beautiful.... strong... dynamic and kinky as hell!  I promise you that I will work hard to make you proud. And lastly, to Sir Tony, boy Brad, and to Syr Evan--for showing by example how a life in Leather should be lead, not only during your title year, but throughout your life.
I also want to say that I am really looking forward to this year of service with Sir Hugh, International Leather SIR 2010, and redwarrior, International Community Bootblack 2010.

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